Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Shaking of the Snow Globe

I must say that 2010 was definitely a better year for me than 2009 but I'm excited to see it go and welcome in Twenty 11!

While praying one night in 09 (after an extremely difficult situation) I had a thought (I'd even go as far as saying God inspired) of my life as a snow globe. It had been picked up, shaken as hard as it could be and sat down while everyone watched over it as the pieces of my life were spinning around crazily - wondering where and when they'd land.

The pieces landed everywhere and just when it looked like they were finally settled, someone would come along and give it another shake. I just knew that it was eventually going to be broken from the shaking taking place. But, it didn't. I had a new job, a new church, a new hairstyle, new friends, new way of thinking, new outlook.....2010 was a welcoming sight for these sore eyes!

2010 brought me many things - peace, joy, and a new passion for God. I had no idea that another shaking was to take place. This time, when the globe was picked up, it was held upside down, and this time I did the watching. I watched as all the pieces fell to the top of the globe and then as it was gently turned back upright, I watched the pieces fall.....softly down, right where they were destined to be.

2010 was definitely a year of memories for me - good memories.....although to get to the good ones, I had to deal with the bad ones. Things that I thought I had buried many, many years ago. But I guess that's the problem when you bury things instead of destroying them. They can be dug up. And it's not a pretty sight being covered in mud up to your knees and dirt under your fingernails. It's tough to deal with.

After about 25 years of "Yeah, I know, God" I finally had that moment of "You're right, God" and when it hit me, I had never felt such peace and joy in all my life. So to celebrate, God decided to really bless me and show me exactly how much He cares and you'll never believe what happened (I'll share next time!)

So this Thanksgiving & Christmas Season was spent with my family and living life differently, knowing how much My Father loves me. I can only imagine how He plans to bless me in 2011....since He's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us! Ephesians 3:20

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